The Investiture ceremony -19th January 2024

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‘Leaders are not born, but made.’ 

To unlock the leadership qualities of the students, a rigorous yet democratic process was undertaken by teachers, Petula and Desiree from the first week of December.  

Students from grades 8 and 9 were invited to apply for positions after ensuring the required criteria was met. This was followed by campaigning and candidate speeches at the morning assemblies.  The student council was elected after all students from grades 6 to 9 voted in school on 9th January 2024. 

The Investiture ceremony was held on 19th January in the school hall with students from all grades witnessing the solemn event. 

The following are the students elected to office for 2024 

Head Captain – Mark deMelo  

Assistant Head Captain – Rayyan Siddique 


House Captain- William Buthello 

Assistant House Captain- Steffani D’Souza 


House Captain- Kayden Rebello 

Assistant House Captain- Bryan Miranda 


House Captain- Nevan Pereira 

Assistant House Captain- Liam Carvalho 



House Captain- Samayra Manjrekar 

Assistant House Captain- Jenna Poojari 


Sports Captain- Mark Fernandes 

Assistant Sports Captain- Raoul Bharucha