Recollection for Grade 10 students, 2024

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The Recollection for our Grade 10 students was held in school on 25th & 26th July. The aim of this recollection for students, was to spend time away from regular classes and school, in reflection and contemplation.

The sessions on Day 1 were conducted by Ms. Fedora De Mello – Qualified NLP Practitioner and Life coach. She conducted a very productive and engaging workshop, speaking on a wide variety of topics such as self-awareness, acceptance of strengths and weaknesses. Learning to deal with unfavourable situations and the importance of choosing your friends wisely.

Day 2 was conducted internally by Sir Montwyn, Tr Desiree and Tr Petula. The session began with Tr. Desiree speaking on developing a personal Vision and Mission statement, followed by Sir Montwyn discussing one’s relationship with God. 

The sessions continued with Tr. Desiree speaking on using a win-win strategy, to build positive relationships. Tr Petula followed with a short discussion on addiction awareness. The recollection concluded with an in-depth and thought-provoking talk on challenging False beliefs using (REBT) Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. 

The students whole-heartedly participated in the sessions, thus resulting in the Recollection being very productive and enriching for our students.