Sports Day at St. Stanislaus International 2023-2024

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The much-anticipated Sports Day at St. Stanislaus International was held on Friday, 8th December 2023, with great fervour and enthusiasm. The event was graced by the presence of the chief guest, Mrs. Venetia Palia, who is none other than the mother of our Sports Captain, Zeus Palia. Along with other dignitaries, she was welcomed with a lively band that set the tone for the day’s festivities.

The Sports Day kicked off with a grand March Past, a spectacle that showcased the discipline and unity of our students. Following this, our Sports Captain, Zeus Palia led the Sportsman’s Oath, and our Assistant Sports Captain, William Buthello led the Sportsman’s Prayer, a solemn moment where our athletes sought divine blessings for a successful event. Mrs. Venetia Palia, in her role as the chief guest, declared the Sports Day open, officially marking the beginning of a very exciting and eventful day.

The highlight of the day was the Aerobics and Pyramids by our students, which was executed flawlessly and captivated the audience. The day’s events included a variety of competitions such as individual running events, inter-house relays, fun and fancy races, and the thrilling Inter-house Tug-of-War finals. The spirit of sportsmanship was evident throughout the day, reflecting the ethos of St. Stanislaus International.

The inclusion of races for Teachers, Parents, and Ex-students added to the celebratory atmosphere, with participants receiving loud cheer and applause. The winners of each event were called to the victory stands and felicitated, further motivating them to strive for excellence in sports.

Mrs. Venetia Palia, in her address to the students, emphasised the importance of ‘teamwork, perseverance and discipline through sports’, leaving them with a powerful message to carry forward. The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks to all participants, organisers, and supporters who made the Sports Day a memorable success.

Overall, the Sports Day at St. Stanislaus International was a resounding success, showcasing not only the athletic talents of our students but also the spirit of unity and sportsmanship that defines our school community.