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Principal’s Address

The logo of the international section indicates three relationships we should constantly pay
attention to – my relationship with ‘God’, with ‘Myself’, and with ‘Others’. If these are in order,
one should find happiness in the “now”. “Are you happy?” At 92 years, our Spanish Jesuit Fr.
Juan’s question to students sums up our life's purpose. Our wish for everyone associated with the
school is to discover and live a meaningful and purposeful life, be it staff, students, or parents.
We hope every student leaving the school has found their life’s purpose, has a constantly
increasing awareness of the wealth of God-given gifts around us, and treats everyone with
respect though we may have differences. True peace and happiness, can be achieved if I enjoy
what I’m doing. If I am happy, only then will my family be happy, my workplace be enjoyable,
and my outlook on life be positive.
Being a Jesuit Institution, we will pay attention to a Latin phrase and hallmark of Ignatian
Spirituality, ‘Cura Personalis’ (care for the entire person). We focus on Social, Intellectual,
Emotional, Cultural, Spiritual, and Recreational aspects of our development.
On the academic front, we follow the Cambridge International Curriculum. Our focus is critical
thinking, understanding topics, developing learning strategies and skills that last a lifetime. The
methodology followed in the teaching-learning process is the key to developing these outcomes.
Hence, we promote ‘active learning’ methods in the classroom where the teacher facilitates the
learning process. It is not limited to writing answers but also project work, presentations, charts,
models, Etc. Our students have performed exceedingly well at the Checkpoint and IGCSE
To instil the Cambridge learner attributes – Responsible, Innovative, Confident, Engaged, and
Reflective, we have competitions, classroom activities, and events throughout the year. In
addition, we encourage sports, fitness, music, art, value education, hobby classes, Etc.
Our Endeavour is to form young leaders who lead meaningful lives, thereby finding peace within
and making the world a better place to live.









Mr Montwyn D’Costa